It is a complete FIELD KIT designed to RELIABLY and INSTANTANEOUSLY measure the quantity of BACTERIA in ultra-pure water.
The ATP test kit was conceived to meet your needs: ease of use, speed, reliability… serving as both a decision support and diagnostic tool.

ATP testing in video

Decision support app for DRINKING WATER !

The app combines ATP and physicochemical results to give you a reliable interpretation. Act straight away in case of crisis!

Efficiency of the production plant
Tank cleaning
Laying of new pipes
Customer complaints
Non-conformities management
Crisis management: water transpotation in tanks, source change

A 2 minutes analysis!

1. Filter the sample
2. Extract the ATP
3. Quantify the ATP
4. Validate the analysis
A reliable analysis
  • Reprensentative sampling
  • Low detection limit
  • Elimination of free ATP and inhibitors
Extraction of bacterial ATP
  • Analysis of the whole sample
  • No dilution
  • High sensitivity
  • No time wasting
Measure in 10 seconds
  • Instantaneous analysis of your sample
  • Only intracellular ATP is measured
Test validation
  • Quantitative results
  • Consideration of environmental parameters
  • Avoid false negatives

Set up

Presentation and on-line demo
Identification of needs
Shipment of products
Scheduling of the training date

1 week



On-site or remote training
Identification of sampling points

1 month


Personalized support

Result analysis
Reassessment of the sampling points
Validation of the thresholds

1 year
(Continuous monitoring with ATP tests…)


Quality control

Verification of the device
Customer feedback


They trust us • They trust us • They trust us

Since 2015, we have been testing the robustness of ATP tests in various situations. Even though it cannot replace conventional analysis methods for now, it provides information on the bacterial activity at very short notice. We use it to identify critical points, as a decision support tool in crisis situations, and as a validation tool for commissioning to pipes.

Michel A.SUEZ Ile-de-France

At Veolia, we have tested ATPmetry to monitor the microbiological water quality in various operational scenarios such as reservoir cleaning, disinfection of new pipelines, and consumer complaints. In addition to traditional analyses, this technology enables us to be more responsive in case of exceedances, thus saving time in the field. The trials with GL Biocontrol are highly promising, and our collaboration is technically very rewarding.

Adeline K.VEOLIA Eau Centre Est

I use ATPmetry to monitor the water microbial quality after treatment. We especially wanted to assess the impact of temperature variations on the water quality. We defined a master plan for implementing a new management strategy of the water system. Much more than just commercial exchanges, our interaction with GL Biocontrol is richly rewarding.

Adelaide K.Montpellier's drinking water supply

The adoption of ATP technology within the Grenoble-Alpes Métropole's drinking water management company at the end of 2019 opened up new prospects for water quality monitoring. Although its usage has not yet been validated by the Regional Health Agency (ARS), this tool serves as a decision support and enables us to better assess the level of urgency in a situation. Thanks to its easy mobility, we were able to meet our occasional needs across the entire operational area managed by the Grenoble-Alpes Métropole drinking water company using just two devices.

Thus, when water quality degradation is reported by a user or in response to non-conforming analysis results, ATP testing quickly provides us with an initial estimation of water quality while awaiting the definitive laboratory results. Certainly, at present, nothing can replace a standardized analysis result. However, when 24 hours separate the alert from the reception of the first results (whose accuracy can sometimes be doubted), significant uncertainty remains regarding the actions to be taken. [...]

Brice G. & David S.Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

GL BIOCONTROL's ATP test kit is a highly valuable tool for both field and laboratory use. It is currently employed by Nantes Métropole for decision-making regarding the reactivation of facilities after disinfection and pipeline repairs (resulting in time and cost savings). Additionally, it allows for more frequent monitoring of the quality of our large reservoirs, providing a better understanding of the effectiveness of our rechlorination efforts. In the near future, it will be used to conduct a study on the efficacy of network water chlorination in response to summer temperature increases.

Fabrice P.Nantes drinking water supply

ATP test kit offered by GL BIOCONTROL appears to the our group as a highly promising tool. All the conducted trials, from resource monitoring to drinking water production center and distribution network, demonstrate the sensitivity of the method and the potential for increased reactivity. The major challenge in the coming years will be to implement this method widely to further enhance the quality of our productions.

Nicolas F.Eaux de Marseille